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时间:2010-01-04    点击: 次    来源:互联网    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大

Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Strategies For Your Website!


Although the concept of search engine optimization can be somewhat complex, there are a number of basic search engine optimization techniques you can use to improve your organic search results. Keep the following in mind when trying to achieve top rankings for your website.


1. Meta Tags.     Meta标签

Meta tags are simple lines of code at the top of your web page programming that tell search engines about your page. Include the title tag, keywords tag, description tag, and robots tag on each page.

Meta 标签是网页设计顶部几行简单的代码,它是用来告诉搜索引擎关于这个网页的内容。它包括每个页面的title标签、关键词标签、描述标签和robots标签。

2. Create and update your sitemap.  创建并更新你的站点地图

Developing a site map is a simple way of giving search engines the information they need to crawl your entire website. There are plenty of free software packages on the web that can help you generate a sitemap. Once you create a sitemap, submit it to Google and Yahoo.


3. Ensure that all navigation is in HTML.  确保所有的导航都使用HTML

All too often, navigational items are in the form of java script. Even though navigation technically still works in this format, it’s not optimized. Create your navigation in HTML to enhance internal links throughout your website.


4. Check that all images include ALT text. 检查所有的图片是否含有ALT文本

Your image’s alt text is spidered by search engines. If you’re not including your keywords in alt text, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity for improved search engine result placements. Label all of your images properly.


5. Use Flash content sparingly.   合理的使用Flash

Content generated through java script or flash is a big no-no. Some webmasters like to use flash because of the presentation. If you must, use it sparingly, but only after your site has been properly optimized with basic search engine optimization in mind.


6. Make sure that your website code is clean.  确保网站代码的简洁

Keep in mind when optimizing a web page crawlers are basically only looking at your source code. When programming your web pages, having W3C compliant code can make all the difference. Run your code through a W3C validator before promoting.


7. Place keywords in your page content.  把关键字放到文章内容中

Search engines scan your website and web pages for keywords. Shoot for a keyword density of between two and eight percent. Google likes your page to be at the lower end of this scale and Yahoo at the upper end.


8. Submit your website to search engine directories.  把你的网站提交到搜索引擎目录

It’s always a good idea to let large search engine directories know that you’re out there. Submit your website URL to directories like Google, Yahoo, and DMOZ.


9. Build links to your website. 为你的网站建立链接

Consider building a link exchange program or create one-way links to your site using articles or forum posts. All major search engines value the importance of your website based on how many others websites are linking to it.

10. Combine SEO with E-Marketing    SEO与网络营销的结合

In my own opinion, E-marketing is the most important in the search engine Marketing. For example, you use the E-marketing methods to improve your web; you will get beat all traffic.


Learning to optimize your website for search engines takes time and patience. Start by applying basic search engine optimization principles. If you’re new to website optimization, or even a well seasoned veteran, begin by prioritizing which pages are most important to you and go from there. Soon you’ll find yourself moving up the rankings.


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